Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Jes Min Lua

As a young girl, I loved Hari Raya.

It’s the time of the year I really looked forward to even more than Chinese New Year (because I don’t have to clean the house).

And, it was just so festive – the malls would be decorated in giant green and gold ketupats, the air filled with kompang and serunai music, and people will be dressed beautifully in kurungs, kebayas and nice pelikats as they visit one another.

I would spend the whole day at my neighbour Sharizat’s home. We would polish off all their kuih-muih while the adults lounged about chatting about football, politics, KL traffic, etc.

I miss those days.

Nowadays, we are all so busy and engrossed in our work and lives that we hardly ever spend time getting to know our neighbours. Some have lived in the same place for 5 years and yet have never met their neighbours!

We have so little opportunity to connect face to face with people outside our immediate circle that we’re losing touch with the people who share the same space as us.

I guess that’s why I love working with

Every day, we get to connect people.

We connect busy mothers to home-bakers who will make a themed birthday cake for her toddler.

We connect young cafe owners to old traditional tilers who help them create the perfect hipster decor.

We connect retirees to air-con servicemen who will help them keep cool in the coming months.

Who will you reconnect with this Hari Raya?

This has been quite an interesting and challenging year for many of us, so I hope you will take this time to rest, recharge and re-connect with the people around you.

On behalf of the team at, I wish you a wonderful Hari Raya.

Jes Min