5.0 (1 reviews)
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Bigday Cinematography is your go-to service provider for all your event and wedding videography needs. Operating across Singapore and Malaysia, we specialize in cinematic wedding videos and photography, as well as corporate profile, commercials, press journalism, stage events, and personal portraiture. Our team comprises creative video production experts who dedicate their time and expertise to bring your visions and ideas to life.

With over ten years of industry experience and a team of three passionate individuals, we pride ourselves on our professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail. We know that every event and every client is unique and deserves an individual approach, which is why we work closely with our clients to understand their vision and bring it to life.

At Bigday Cinematography, we utilize multiple cameras, live feed production, unique lighting, and great music selection to deliver a flawless final product that will leave you and your guests in awe. Our team is highly reliable and always ensures to deliver what our clients need.

Don't just take our word for it; let our customers' excellent testimonials speak for themselves. Mrs. C and Jes have described their experience with our team as "priceless," and they have praised our ability to handle their wedding's concept, atmosphere, momentum, lighting, and music selection - all of which have aligned perfectly for a unique experience.

If you're looking for a videography team who will treat your event with the professionalism, passion, and creativity it deserves, contact us at Bigday Cinematography. Whether it's a corporate event or your special day, we guarantee that our team's services will have you humming tunelessly to the memories we've captured.


Bigday Cinematography adalah penyedia perkhidmatan pilihan anda untuk semua keperluan videografi acara dan perkahwinan anda. Beroperasi di Singapura dan Malaysia, kami pakar dalam video dan fotografi perkahwinan sinematik, serta profil korporat, iklan komersial, penggambaran media, acara pentas, dan potret peribadi. Pasukan kami terdiri daripada pakar produksi video kreatif yang mengabdikan masa dan kepakaran mereka untuk mewujudkan visi dan idea anda.

Dengan pengalaman industri selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun dan pasukan tiga individu yang bersemangat, kami bangga dengan profesionalisme kami, kebolehpercayaan, dan perhatian terhadap butiran. Kami tahu setiap acara dan pelanggan adalah unik dan memerlukan pendekatan individu, itulah sebabnya kami bekerjasama rapat dengan pelanggan kami untuk memahami visi mereka dan menghidupkannya.

Di Bigday Cinematography, kami menggunakan beberapa kamera, produksi siaran langsung, pencahayaan unik, dan pemilihan muzik yang hebat untuk memberikan produk akhir yang sempurna yang akan membuat anda dan tetamu anda terkagum-kagum. Pasukan kami sangat boleh diandalkan dan sentiasa memastikan untuk memberikan apa yang diperlukan oleh pelanggan kami.

Jangan hanya percaya pada kata-kata kami; biarkan testimoni pelanggan yang hebat bercakap sendiri. Puan C dan Jes telah menggambarkan pengalaman mereka dengan pasukan kami sebagai "tak ternilai harganya," dan mereka telah memuji keupayaan kami dalam mengendalikan konsep perkahwinan mereka, suasana, momentum, pencahayaan, dan pemilihan muzik - semuanya sejajar dengan sempurna untuk pengalaman yang unik.

Jika anda mencari pasukan videografi yang akan memperlakukan acara anda dengan profesionalisme, keinginan, dan kreativiti yang sepatutnya, hubungi kami di Bigday Cinematography. Sama ada itu acara korporat atau hari istimewa anda, kami menjamin bahawa perkhidmatan pasukan kami akan membuat anda bernyanyi tanpa lagu kepada kenangan yang kami rakamkan.

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5.0 (based on 1 reviews)


Jessie23 September 2014, 23:41

Big day is a very creative and very professional wedding video shooting and services company. Mr. Quek and his Bigday team is highly reliable and very considering. Have some time communicate with them. They have good feelings in handling client’s concept, the atmosphere, the momentum, line, surroundings, lighting, and good music selection, that is awesomely great. Some video production company take good shots, when mixing with music, it turns the whole video off. Bigday is excellent in ensuring everything matched perfectly and unique together for every wedding couple. An experience with Bigday team is priceless and it is indeed a happy experience. Despite, always know what you want, and mention what you want, they always willing to assist.

Lots of love!
Mr & Mrs C & Jes

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