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Web design and web development

We live in times of very fast information flow. Each day clients search for products, services or entertainment. The most popular medium to do it is the Internet, so it is important for a company to be visible there. Each company has different needs so let us get to know yours. On their basis and expectations of a target group – your clients – we will create a website/application or online store specifically designed for you. Thanks to years of experience you will not have to worry about technical details. Your company will receive a solution tailored to modern standards in terms of graphic design, website code, and security. Let’s create together a perfect website for your company.

What do we offer?

-- Customized graphic design of a website
-- Responsive web design – design that adjusts a website to different sizes of displays (laptops, tablets, and smartphones).
-- Content management system – simple and intuitive panel which allows you to make changes to your website on your own.
-- Search Engine Optimization thanks to which your website will be displayed in the top search results (e.g. in Google).
-- Multilingual websites helping to reach a wider range of clients.
-- Non-typical online applications with registration, log-in and payments system.

For who?

New companies

If you are thinking of starting a company or you just started one, we recommend you our services with respect to visual identification of companies. It is worth to create a consistent logo design and website graphics.

Experienced companies

Standards, trends, and style of websites change every few years. That’s why if your website is „covered in dust” it is worth to refresh it and give it a new shine.

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