FIX HOME ENTERPRISE Featured icon badge

4.3 (321 reviews)
  • 2277
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  • 1061
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  • Last job completed
     7 days ago
  • Member since
  • RM97.6k
  • 81%
     job completion rate
  • 12339
  • Usually responds in
     3 days

Introducing Fix Home Enterprise - your one-stop solution for all your home maintenance needs. As a service provider listed under, we have over eight years of experience providing top-notch services to homeowners across Malaysia. We take pride in our work and ensure that our customers are satisfied with every job we perform.

Our team comprises highly skilled individuals who are experts in all kinds of maintenance services, from handyman tasks to electrical wiring, plumbing, carpentry, and beyond. We specialize in repairing and installing kitchen cabinets, fixing glass doors, installing tiles, unclogging drains, and much more. Regardless of the job, we perform every task with the utmost care and attention to detail.

At Fix Home Enterprise, we understand that home maintenance issues can arise at any time. That's why we're available 24/7 to help you with any problem that might arise. No matter what your needs are, we're always just a phone call away.

But don't just take our word for it - our satisfied customers speak for themselves. With over 260 rave reviews on, we're proud to have a 4.2-star rating. Our customers praise us for our professionalism, punctuality, affordability, and the quality of our work. One satisfied customer even said we provide "tip top service!"

We serve a wide range of cities across Malaysia, including Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, Puchong, Subang Jaya, Cheras, Cyberjaya, Mont Kiara, Kajang, and many more. Our services have helped homeowners throughout the country to keep their properties in top condition.

At Fix Home Enterprise, we're committed to providing the best home maintenance services in Malaysia. We always go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction, no matter how big or small the job. So, if you're in need of a reliable, professional, and affordable home maintenance service, look no further than Fix Home Enterprise. Get in touch with us today and let us help you take care of your home!


Memperkenalkan Fix Home Enterprise - penyelesaian lengkap bagi semua keperluan penyelenggaraan rumah anda. Sebagai penyedia perkhidmatan yang disenaraikan di bawah, kami mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari lapan tahun menyediakan perkhidmatan terbaik kepada pemilik rumah di seluruh Malaysia. Kami berbangga dengan pekerjaan kami dan memastikan bahawa pelanggan kami berpuas hati dengan setiap kerja yang kami lakukan.

Pasukan kami terdiri daripada individu yang sangat terampil yang pakar dalam semua jenis perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan, dari tugas-tugas mendiang hingga kabel elektrik, pam paip, tukang kayu, dan banyak lagi. Kami pakar dalam memperbaiki dan memasang kabinet dapur, membetulkan pintu kaca, memasang jubin, melonggarkan saluran paip tersumbat, dan banyak lagi. Tanpa mengira kerja apa pun, kami melaksanakan setiap tugas dengan penuh berhati-hati dan perhatian terhadap detail.

Di Fix Home Enterprise, kami memahami bahawa masalah penyelenggaraan rumah boleh timbul pada bila-bila masa. Itulah sebabnya kami boleh dihubungi 24/7 untuk membantu anda dengan masalah apa pun yang mungkin timbul. Tidak kira apa keperluan anda, kami sentiasa berada hanya satu panggilan telefon jauh.

Namun, jangan hanya mengambil kata-kata kami - pelanggan yang berpuas hati berkata untuk diri mereka sendiri. Dengan lebih dari 260 ulasan positif di, kami bangga mempunyai penilaian 4.2 bintang. Pelanggan kami memuji kami untuk profesionalisme, ketepatan masa, harga yang berpatutan, dan kualiti kerja kami. Seorang pelanggan yang puas hati berkata kami menyediakan "khidmat tip top!"

Kami melayani pelbagai bandar di seluruh Malaysia, termasuk Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, Puchong, Subang Jaya, Cheras, Cyberjaya, Mont Kiara, Kajang, dan banyak lagi. Perkhidmatan kami telah membantu pemilik rumah di seluruh negara untuk menjaga hartanah mereka dalam keadaan terbaik.

Di Fix Home Enterprise, kami komited untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan rumah terbaik di Malaysia. Kami sentiasa berusaha untuk memastikan kepuasan pelanggan, tidak kira betapa besar atau kecilnya kerja itu. Jadi, jika anda memerlukan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan rumah yang boleh dipercayai, profesional, dan berpatutan, jangan teragak-agak untuk memilih Fix Home Enterprise. Hubungi kami hari ini dan biarkan kami membantu anda menjaga rumah anda!

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4.3 (based on 321 reviews)


Aiden 3C10 May 2024, 12:31

Good service. Comes with 2 years warranty. Nice friendly staffs.


Zhi Ying21 April 2024, 13:43

The installers are professional and well-trained. They reached earlier and finished their job efficiently. However, the miscommunication was happened as per below:
1. We submitted requests to install the water heaters while the installer was informed to install water heaters and fans.
2. We submitted requests to install 2 water heaters while the installer was informed to install 1 water heater only, so we've been asked for payment. However, the installation should be free of charge (items purchase during promotion with free installation) where this was double confirmed during our chat previously.
3. I've received invoice for request payment RM240 after 1 days of the services even though it should be free.
Fortunately, all the miscommunication was clearly clarified (I didn't proceed with any payments). In overall, I'm still satisfied with the services provided.

Fast And Efficient

luanne12 March 2024, 19:47


Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Vivi07 March 2024, 17:24

Painting and lighting very good services. Fast services. Thought gonna takes two days time. During lunch hour, the painting and lighting finished 70%.

Services very good. Thanks very much. Super recommend

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Xiong jie03 March 2024, 21:55

Friendly and fast

Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Amrul24 February 2024, 15:11


Excellent Service Fast And Efficient

Kevin14 February 2024, 19:40

Quick service at reasonable prices. My go to technician for my properties in KL.


mssiow07 February 2024, 21:11

I engaged HomeFix to repaint my house, install fans and do general house repairs. It took 2.5 weeks to complete the job and I was happy with their work. Irfan and his workers were very patient and detailed to make sure the job was done well. Very pleasant and helpful in general. I would recommend them.

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Jaey05 February 2024, 11:51

Good work, thank you!

Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly

Yee03 February 2024, 17:55

Good service

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