Our most popular bottle sizes, the HappyWater 500ml bottle ships in a 24-count case. It offers great versatility and is the perfect serving size. The 500ml is large enough to quench the immediate thirst, yet light-weight enough to carry with you. The 500ml bottles are especially convenient for school lunches, trips to the gym, sporting events and other activities, such as driving, biking and hiking.
Our large size bottle offers a great value, the HappyWater 1.5L ships in a 12-count case. For those serious about hydration and who know the benefits of detoxifying the body, the 1.5L is just the right size. It is also the ideal serving container at meal time, where the 1.5L can be easily shared by the whole family. Like all our items, our Cups, 500ml and 1.5L sizes are available in a variety of delivery plans to meet your needs. Our Cups, 500ml and 1.5L sizes are is delivered right to your office or home. Please ask your account manager for our convenient cup size water.
Individual Cup Size Box (48 Cups)
500ml Box (24 bottles)
1.5L Box (12 Bottles)
HappyWater Sdn. Bhd.
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Fax.: +60 (3) 4043-6005
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Skype: happywatermalaysia
Internet: http://www.HappyWater.my