4.8 (2 reviews)
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Welcome to JVS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SDN. BHD., a leading service provider for utilities and construction projects in Malaysia. With over 3 employees and a reputation for excellent service, we are committed to meeting the needs of our clients.

At JVS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SDN. BHD., we specialize in renovation contracting, cabinet contracting, house painting, plumbing, electrical and wiring services, handyman contracting, and more. We work hard to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction, which is why we have received numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers.

When you work with us, you can expect personalized service and attention to detail. We take the time to understand the unique needs of each customer and work closely with them throughout the entire process to ensure that their project is completed to their satisfaction.

Our team of skilled professionals has a wealth of experience in the industry and is equipped with the latest tools and technologies to ensure that each project is completed efficiently and effectively. We understand the importance of deadlines and strive to complete each project on schedule, without compromising on quality.

If you are looking for a reliable service provider for your next project, look no further than Jvs Engineering Co. Ltd. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and deliver excellent service every time. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to get started on your next project. We look forward to working with you!


Selamat datang ke Jvs Engineering Co. Ltd., penyedia perkhidmatan utama untuk projek utiliti dan pembinaan di Malaysia. Dengan lebih daripada 3 orang pekerja dan reputasi yang baik dalam perkhidmatan yang cemerlang, kami berkomitmen untuk memenuhi keperluan pelanggan.

Di Jvs Engineering Co. Ltd., kami pakar dalam kontrak pembaharuan, kontrak kabinet, cat rumah, perkhidmatan paip, pendawaian elektrik, kontrak tukang, dan banyak lagi. Kami berusaha dengan gigih untuk memastikan tahap kepuasan pelanggan yang tertinggi, oleh itu, kami telah menerima banyak ulasan positif daripada pelanggan yang berpuas hati.

Apabila anda bekerjasama dengan kami, anda boleh mengharapkan perkhidmatan yang disesuaikan dan perhatian terhadap setiap butiran. Kami mengambil masa untuk memahami keperluan unik setiap pelanggan dan bekerja rapat dengan mereka sepanjang proses bagi memastikan projek mereka dilaksanakan dengan memuaskan hati mereka.

Pasukan profesional kami mempunyai pengalaman yang luas dalam industri ini dan dilengkapi dengan alat dan teknologi terkini untuk memastikan setiap projek dilaksanakan dengan cekap dan berkesan. Kami memahami kepentingan tempoh masa dan berusaha untuk menyiapkan setiap projek mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan, tanpa mengorbankan kualiti.

Jika anda sedang mencari penyedia perkhidmatan yang boleh dipercayai untuk projek seterusnya anda, jangan teragak-agak lagi dan pilih Jvs Engineering Co. Ltd. Matlamat kami adalah melebihi jangkaan anda dan menyampaikan perkhidmatan yang cemerlang setiap kali. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai perkhidmatan kami atau untuk memulakan projek seterusnya anda. Kami berharap dapat bekerjasama dengan anda!

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4.8 (based on 2 reviews)


Peter23 May 2024, 13:43

Fast work, friendly staff

Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly

Thank you for your support which will be highly held in regards.


Nick Tan10 October 2023, 00:00

External Review

The two technicians that JVS sent over were well mannered, courteous and professional. I will Recommend JVS Engineering to my contacts or anyone who needs LAN networking services. 


Kevin 23 October 2022, 20:38

Unbelievable very fast for CCTV quotation and the installation works. We'll done JVS

Medium logo JVS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SDN. BHD. 09 January 2023, 21:51

Thank you sir.

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