4.4 (41 reviews)
  • 289
     customers served
  • 222
     jobs completed
  • Last job completed
     27 minutes ago
  • Member since
  • RM7.85k
  • 77%
     job completion rate
  • 20
  • Last quoted
     2 days

Welcome to Naimah Zeshan Enterprise, your expert provider of high-quality electrical and air conditioning services in Selangor and KL. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering professional results every time.

As a listed service provider under the group, we are dedicated to helping homeowners and businesses find reliable and trustworthy service providers for all their needs. Our business profile description showcases our commitment to providing the best possible services to our customers, no matter how big or small the job.

When you choose Naimah Zeshan Enterprise, you can rest assured that you will receive top-notch services that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of experienced professionals is trained to handle a wide range of electrical and air conditioning projects, from routine maintenance and repairs to full-scale installations.

Our number one priority is customer satisfaction, and we go above and beyond to ensure that every project is completed to the highest standard possible. We take great care to listen to your needs and preferences and work closely with you throughout the entire process to ensure that the final result is exactly what you envisioned.

But don't just take our word for it. Our numerous positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers highlight the exceptional quality of our services, as well as our commitment to delivering outstanding customer support.

So why wait? Choose Naimah Zeshan Enterprise today and experience the difference that our exceptional services can make. We look forward to working with you and delivering results that exceed your expectations every time.


Selamat datang ke Naimah Zeshan Enterprise, penyedia perkhidmatan elektrikal dan penyejukan udara berkualiti tinggi di Selangor dan KL. Kami bangga dengan perkhidmatan pelanggan kami yang terbaik, perhatian terhadap butiran, dan komitmen kami untuk memberikan hasil profesional setiap kali.

Sebagai penyedia perkhidmatan yang disenaraikan di bawah kumpulan, kami berazam untuk membantu pemilik rumah dan perniagaan mencari penyedia perkhidmatan yang boleh dipercayai dan dapat diandalkan untuk semua keperluan mereka. Penerangan profil perniagaan kami menggambarkan komitmen kami untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan terbaik kepada pelanggan kami, tidak kira betapa besar atau kecil kerja tersebut.

Apabila anda memilih Naimah Zeshan Enterprise, anda boleh yakin bahawa anda akan menerima perkhidmatan terbaik yang disesuaikan dengan keperluan anda. Pasukan profesional yang berpengalaman kami dilatih untuk mengendalikan pelbagai projek elektrikal dan penyejukan udara, dari penyelenggaraan dan pembaikan rutin hingga pemasangan skala penuh.

Keutamaan kami yang utama adalah kepuasan pelanggan, dan kami berusaha melebihi dan melampaui untuk memastikan bahawa setiap projek diselesaikan dengan piawaian yang tertinggi. Kami memberi perhatian yang besar untuk mendengar keperluan dan keutamaan anda dan bekerjasama rapat dengan anda sepanjang proses keseluruhan untuk memastikan hasil akhir adalah persis seperti yang anda bayangkan.

Namun jangan hanya percaya pada kata-kata kami. Ulasan positif dan testimoni daripada pelanggan yang berpuas hati menonjolkan kualiti yang luar biasa dari perkhidmatan kami, serta komitmen kami untuk menyampaikan sokongan pelanggan yang luar biasa.

Jadi, mengapa tunggu? Pilih Naimah Zeshan Enterprise hari ini dan alami perbezaan yang diperbuat oleh perkhidmatan kami yang luar biasa. Kami berharap dapat bekerja dengan anda dan memberikan hasil yang melebihi jangkaan anda setiap kali.

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4.4 (based on 41 reviews)


norhasanahshinazmohdnoor934c07 September 2024, 11:14

Straightforward, down to business. Helpful in related matters. Easy to deal with.


cherry17275902 September 2024, 14:32

Good svcs and attitude


Luqman Izzudin29 August 2024, 08:47

Great service & value for money


Masamichi06 August 2024, 14:52



Intan Novizar27 July 2024, 13:13

Good service no more leaking, very efficient


Sahaf Tanzimul23 July 2024, 04:31

Very efficient and good. Good behaviour as well


recommend22 July 2024, 10:22

Very punctual and clean post job completion. Fully satisfied

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Sanjiv20 July 2024, 14:08

Friendly and helpful.


Zulfadli18 July 2024, 10:44

Very good and friendly technician

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Lazarus09 July 2024, 19:39

Very expensive and claims no gas need to be added.

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