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We Only Hire & Train the Best Cleaners
We just don't recruit anyone who is looking for a job as a part time maid. We scrutinize all our maids to ensure that they are legally in the country, can handle the job and have what it takes to work hard to deliver quality services. We also teach our part time maids on ethics, how to clean efficiently and how to get along with the employees.
Readily Available Services
When you need a part time maid, we do not keep you waiting for long. We understand your needs and ensure that you get the right maid immediately. You can call us anytime of the day or night requesting our services. Our part time maid agency runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week even on holidays therefore, you can access our services anytime you need them.
Affordable Services
Getting quality services from us does not mean that you end up paying more. Our rates are very friendly. We do not charge you a registration fee or an agency fee, which lowers our rates quite significantly. Also, you only pay for the time the maid is working for you.