Orientique Concept

5.0 (8 reviews)
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Welcome to Orientique Concept, your trusted source for professional main contractor and built services in Malaysia. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we specialize in providing top-notch residential and commercial services.

At Orientique Concept, we prioritize professionalism, work efficiency, and understanding our clients' needs and wants. By partnering with reputable suppliers and projects, we deliver exceptional quality and unparalleled customer satisfaction.

As a full-service contractor, we offer a range of services to cater to all your needs. Whether you require renovation, interior design, handyman services, cabinet installation, plumbing, curtain and blinds installation, ceiling works, tiling services, custom furniture carpentry, or wooden flooring installation, our team of experts is here to assist you.

What sets us apart from the competition is our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our work. We consistently deliver projects on time, within budget, and to the highest standards. Our attention to detail, skilled craftsmanship, and innovative solutions ensure that your project is completed to perfection.

But don't just take our word for it. Here are some of the reviews we have received from our satisfied customers:

- "Good quality and reasonable price. Provided experienced consultancy to build." - Nicoletmy6

These testimonials speak to our reputation for delivering excellent service and value for money.

With Orientique Concept, you can trust that your project is in capable hands. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to exceeding your expectations and providing you with a seamless experience from start to finish.

We are proud to serve various cities and districts across Malaysia, ensuring that our services are accessible to a wide range of customers.

Thank you for considering Orientique Concept as your trusted partner for all your contracting and construction needs. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and bring your vision to life. For more information, please visit our website or contact us directly.


Selamat datang ke Orientique Concept, sumber tepercaya anda untuk kontraktor utama profesional dan perkhidmatan pembinaan di Malaysia. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam industri ini, kami pakar dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan kediaman dan komersial yang terbaik.

Di Orientique Concept, kami mengutamakan profesionalisme, kecekapan kerja, serta memahami keperluan dan kehendak pelanggan kami. Dengan bekerjasama dengan pembekal dan projek yang ternama, kami memberikan kualiti yang luar biasa dan kepuasan pelanggan yang tiada tanding.

Sebagai kontraktor perkhidmatan penuh, kami menawarkan pelbagai perkhidmatan untuk memenuhi semua keperluan anda. Sama ada anda memerlukan kerja pengubahsuaian, reka bentuk dalaman, perkhidmatan tukang rumah, pemasangan almari, pemasangan paip, pemasangan langsir dan blind, kerja siling, perkhidmatan ubin, pembuatan perabot tersuai, atau pemasangan lantai kayu, pasukan pakar kami di sini untuk membantu anda.

Apa yang membezakan kami daripada pesaing lain adalah komitmen kami terhadap keunggulan dalam setiap aspek kerja kami. Kami sentiasa menyiapkan projek tepat pada masanya, dalam bajet, dan mengikut piawaian yang tertinggi. Perhatian kami terhadap butiran, kepandaian tangan mahir kami, dan penyelesaian inovatif memastikan projek anda disiapkan dengan sempurna.

Tetapi jangan hanya mendengar kata-kata kami. Berikut adalah beberapa ulasan yang kami terima daripada pelanggan yang berpuas hati:

- "Kualiti yang baik dan harga yang berpatutan. Menyediakan konsultansi yang berpengalaman untuk membina." - Nicoletmy6

Ulasan ini membuktikan reputasi kami dalam memberikan perkhidmatan yang cemerlang dan nilai untuk wang.

Dengan Orientique Concept, anda boleh mempercayai bahawa projek anda berada di tangan yang berkemampuan. Pasukan profesional kami berdedikasi untuk melebihi jangkaan anda dan memberikan anda pengalaman yang lancar dari awal hingga akhir.

Kami bangga untuk melayani pelbagai bandar dan daerah di seluruh Malaysia, memastikan perkhidmatan kami dapat diakses oleh pelbagai pelanggan.

Terima kasih kerana mempertimbangkan Orientique Concept sebagai rakan yang dipercayai untuk semua keperluan kontrak dan pembinaan anda. Kami berharap untuk berpeluang bekerja dengan anda dan menjadikan wawasan anda menjadi kenyataan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari laman web kami atau hubungi kami terus.

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5.0 (based on 8 reviews)


joyce181203 November 2015, 16:35

I'm so relieved that Ryan was keen to do some minor renovation works on my apartment in Ara Damansara after got turned down by so many other contractors.What's more,the pricing was very reasonable and the workmanship is excellent!Will definitely recommend Orientique Concept to my friends and family!


jolynn21203 November 2015, 16:16

Got Orientique Concept to do some painting jobs and am extremely pleased with the results!The pricing is reasonable and the delivery was very prompt too.Mr.Ryan is a very friendly and affable person.Well done!


Kevin28 October 2015, 13:56

Got Ryan to replace some tiles that had fallen off barely a month after my other horrible renovation contractor laid them. They're holding up well so far. Ryan was on time and easy to deal with.


Ann28 September 2015, 22:43

Mr Ryan gave me many good suggestions and advice. Thank you.


Soong Kok Chong25 September 2015, 13:16

Good experience. Nice workmanship. Well done


Justine Tan22 September 2015, 22:02

have a good experience skills of hand work. on time and well done complete the job. positive comment about the design excellent their work, honesty and surely and carefully . their doing a good job. like..


Yan19 August 2015, 20:11

thanks you Mr Ryan give me so much idea concept and build. finally i could control my budget.


nicoletmy619 August 2015, 00:22

good quality and reasonable price. provided experience consultancy to build.

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