Simplicon Media was inspired by U.S. Integrated Media Marketing solution that made cross channel analysis possible with a click of button. Massive data with cumbersome efforts to consolidate different files into single dashboard diminish marketer goal to make sound decision. The future center around simple analysis assisting marketers with in depth measurement to understand their consumer behavior within seconds.
My team of locally established specialists, worked around the clock, services local agencies like IPG Mediabrands, Group M, Carat and Zenith. We are strong believer of seamless data distribution and media simplicity.
Our slots get filled up very early - please contact us at least 3 months before your campaign kickoff to ensure that we schedule for your project. We will meet up with you once to discuss the parameters, and if you agree to hire us we will discuss the next step. I'd say we are open to any clients who wish to share the same passion with us. We don't believe in obligations, simple chat over coffee is our philosophy. True result only are made when both reach single goal alignment.
Online advertising, which is powered by content, advertising and community, gives start-ups and underdogs the ability to grow faster and smarter by outthinking, not outspending, the competition. Our marketing goal is simple – plan, analyze, execute, convert and measure dynamic campaigns that generate leads and build loyalty.
We are Simplicon Media. If you have a project, we are happy to chat.
Ben Choong Meng
A Founder & Friend.
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