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4.7 (144 reviews)
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  • 886
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  • 392
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  • Member since
  • RM23.1k
  • 61%
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  • 1604

Ikmal Nazorudin

The costing is rather on a high side and serviceman was not on time.

Ikmal Nazorudin

Good job 👍🏻


On time and get job done

Cai Jin

Zabi assisted in the job and was thorough.


Very prompt and quick service. Highly recommended


Good service


Very good


Handyman is very responsive and helpful


Plumber took 3 hours to finish the job repairing toilet flush water overflowing issue, but ended up dismantling everything and replacing all parts in the toilet flush, and didn't advise us the price beforehand ended up paying 260. Guy also went out twice to buy parts despite sending pics of the toilet flush.


Mr Zabi was very good but I do find the price very pricey for something that was fixed with WD40. Nevertheless he was very punctual and polite .

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