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Approach to selling& renting properties is unique and professional having been in the industry for a long period. Qualified sales consultants are in possession of my licensed agency in terms of the latest statutory requirements laid down by Government in conjunction with the Estate Agency Affairs Board. Each and every agent employed by my licensed agency company is in possession of the requisite Fidelity Fund Certificate which ensures your peace of mind and guarantees you the highest standard of ethics and Iintegrity

We was specialize and cover a lot of unit in the sale and rent of residential property which is mission impossible unit

To enable maximum exposure the organization allows for office referrals not only within the alliance but with many other brand names on a national basis.Our aim is to ensure that we obtain the highest possible price for your property in the shortest possible time frame.

By listing with us you are guaranteed the following services:
-An extensive comparative market analysis is undertaken on your property to ensure the correct pricing thereof by way of comparison sales comprising of what is currently available, sold and recently registered;
-Our panel of bond originators assist in acquiring finance for your property with the least inconvenience to you;
- I or maybe Our team of Administrators / Company Estate Agents will keep you informed of progress from date of sale to date of registration;
-Price assessments and review of market trends are carried out on a monthly basis;
-Advertising in the local newspapers together with web advertisements for maximum exposure;
- An unconditional pledge of service excellence guaranteed for each and every client.

For a hassle free transaction BEGIN with the PROFESSIONALS.
Please let me help you make the kind of impression people won't forget, by calling me
016-290 5751 or emailing me- [email protected]