O'Hara Legacy focuses on jobs revolving around the English language, above-the-line and below-the-line advertising & promotion work. Our Portfolio includes private and government jobs...
Get a quotation from Feng Xin Publishing Ent. to publish your own book today! 自我出版书吧,我们将分布到全马的大众书局。
MingB Wordsmiths specialises on: Translation among English, Chinese and Malay; Copy Writing; Social Media management; Content editing (paraphrasing, proofreading, etc.); Transcription of videos (subtitles);...
The Composer is an independant graphic design practice based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our works has been widely published in books. Our services includes:...
Paper Moon Design helps small businesses look attractive to their ideal customers. Get the experience of a big agency, without the price.
Saya pakar dalam bidang Elektrik. Menyediakan perkhidmatan pendawaian elektrik, mencari kerosakan, memasang penyaman udara dan servis.
Hi, I am specialising in branding, logo design, publication, packaging design, advertising, social media, and other graphic design services. Feel free to contact me...
A digital design and development company who can build custom apps for the web and mobile devices. Building successful apps! We wake up in...
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