Pricing estimate for Landscape Gardener in Putra Heights, Selangor #285228

Estimate Budget

RM2000 - 4999
Project Details

Putra Heights, Selangor

What do you need? Give as much details as you can for the vendor to give a good cost estimate.

I would like to do a landscape service, which is to plant new grass and organise some heloconias alongside the divider between my house and my neighbours'. The house is a semi-detach, so there are two strips of grass on the right side and the left side of the house, where the landscaping would be.

When do you need this service?


What is your budget for the job?

RM2000 - 4999

Attach any photos for reference (optional, 10MB max per file)
  • Thumb 55fd939f 9316 4454 b61f 19d0c16d1f5e  2
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