Pricing estimate for House Painting/Wall Painting in Puchong, Selangor #327331

Estimate Budget

RM5000 - 9999
Project Details

Puchong, Selangor

What is the measurement of the floor space (sqft)?

2501 - 3000

I want to paint my:

Interior wall, Interior ceiling, Exterior wall

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Preferred Appointment Date


Preferred Appointment Time

13:00 - 15:00

Tell us more about your requirements

I Hi, Please provide a quotation for the painting work as per the scope outlined below for my double-storey corner house, including the interior, exterior, and ceiling areas. 1. House Details • Type: Double-storey corner house • Dimensions: 32 ft (width) x 75 ft (length) • Height: Approx. 22 ft (per floor for walls) 2. Areas to Paint - Interior Walls - Exterior Walls - Ceiling 4. Materials Provided (Paint supply by Owner) • Main Colors: Nippon Brilliant White (Interior), Nippon Weatherbond White (Exterior). • Additional Colors: Window trims in charcoal grey, grooves, and fence in complementary tones (to be finalized). 5. Project Timeline Please include an estimated timeline for completing the work, considering weather conditions and drying times. 6. Pricing Please provide a breakdown of the cost as follows: 1. Cost per sqft for each area (interior, exterior, and ceiling). 2. Labor charges (daily or project-based). 3. Additional costs (e.g., surface preparation, scaffolding, or special requests).

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Rough Budget

RM5000 - 9999

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