Pricing estimate for Party Planner in Tropicana, Selangor #187390

Estimate Budget

RM500 - 1999
Project Details

Tropicana, Selangor

What type of event is this for?

Birthday party

Where will your event be held?


How many attendees will there be?


What party planning services do you need?

Style, theme selection

Selection of vendors

What vendors will need to be sourced?

Dresses, Gowns

Music, Entertainment

Emcee, Deejay

Flowers, Decoration

Space, Venue

Equipment, Set-Up

Event begins on


Duration of Event: Hours


Share as much details as you can for the vendor to give a good cost estimate.

Something aesthetic, trendy, slick but also casual. Minimalistic but classy. Naturals lighting. Something appropriate for a 16 birthday bash.

What is your budget?

RM500 - 1999

Attach any photos for reference (optional, 10MB max per file)
  • Thumb 1b00d7e0 84ce 4d86 b6f6 0ddfa843425a
  • Thumb f2861a16 71da 45d0 ab88 a70e73bec63d
  • Thumb f034b8e4 c75d 479d 9ae1 cc24dfdd6945
  • Thumb 4d8c81b6 39ae 4422 a02a 06a3ea6938db
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