Pricing estimate for Party Planner in Cyberjaya, Selangor #187593

Estimate Budget

RM200 - 499
Project Details

Cyberjaya, Selangor

What type of event is this for?

Birthday party

Where will your event be held?

Outdoor / Rooftop / Garden

How many attendees will there be?


What party planning services do you need?

Budget planning and management

What vendors will need to be sourced?

Cake Baker


Music, Entertainment

Flowers, Decoration

Space, Venue

Equipment, Set-Up

Event begins on


Duration of Event: Hours

2 hours

Share as much details as you can for the vendor to give a good cost estimate.

small surprise birthday party for husband. attendees will include kids. requires minimal deco, cake, light food and beverages, big bubble playtime for kids. no specific theme just a family get together event

What is your budget?

RM200 - 499

This customer prefers to use

Recommend pay

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