This contemporary minimalist interior by Luxview Design showcases a sleek corridor with a soothing color palette. The image reveals a sophisticated blend of functionality and style, featuring a slate gray door with a digital lock, framed by crisp white walls. A built-in cabinet with a multifunctional nook for display and storage complements the clean lines, while the shoe rack smartly utilizes the space. Elements from the D'island condo project, such as the seamless plaster ceiling and precise painting work, are evident in the design's refined simplicity.
Album: D'island
Location grey
Stack of money Estimated price : RM55000.0
3D Concept Completed 800 - 1200 sqft Condo / Apartment Living Dining Room Kitchen Bedroom Cabinet Display Shelf Storage Space Contemporary Minimalist Carpentry 3D Design Plaster Ceiling Painting Kitchen Cabinet Furniture Lighting Electrical Wardrobe TV Cabinet / Console Glasswork Kitchen Island