This stylish kitchen from Wonder Works Design & Assembly encapsulates contemporary elegance with a modern wooden theme, as seen in the clean lines of the glossy white cabinetry contrasted by dark, vertical-grain wood panels. Ambient lighting highlights the kitchen's sleek design and accents a curated selection of decorative earthenware. The polished floors reflect the tasteful aesthetics evident throughout Wonder Works Design Gallery's portfolio of sophisticated interiors.
Album: Wonder Works Design Gallery
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Completed 3D Concept Ideas Inspirations 1800 - 2400 sqft Above 2400 sqft Semi-D / Bungalow Bar Walk-in-wardrobe Dining Room Living Kitchen Bedroom Study Living Room Staircase Cabinet Display Shelf Small Kitchen Modern Contemporary Wooden Carpentry Flooring Wetworks 3D Design Plaster Ceiling Painting Kitchen Cabinet Furniture Curtain Lighting Electrical Ceiling Wardrobe TV Cabinet / Console Wall Decor Glasswork Stairs