Elegant terrace kitchen by Your Planners(M)Sdn Bhd flaunts a classic design in a Morib landed property. Encompassing 2200 sqft, it features grey cabinetry with glass accents, white countertops, and wood tones, harmonizing old-world charm with modern utility. Crisp white walls and a sophisticated chandelier complete this timeless ID concept kitchen within the "Morib - 28 - project done" album. #ClassicInteriorDesign #KitchenDecor #YourPlanners #MoribBanting #MalaysianHomes
Album: Morib - 28 - project done
Location grey Morib , Banting
Stack of money Estimated price : RM21000.0
Completed 1800 - 2400 sqft Terrace House House Design Living Dining Room Kitchen Classic Carpentry 3D Design Kitchen Cabinet Furniture White Grey