An elegant office designed by REALITY INSIGHT DESIGN, featured in their Jalan Kenari, Puchong album. The room showcases a minimalist and modern style with wooden accents, a neutral color palette, and clean lines. A contemporary circular light fixture accents the space, while geometric glass partitions enhance openness. The furniture includes plush chairs and a sleek, white meeting table, complementing the wooden flooring and wall paneling, creating a warm yet sophisticated workspace.
Album: Jalan Kenari, Puchong
Location grey Jalan Kenari, Puchong
Completed 3D Concept 1200 - 1800 sqft Office Bathroom Meeting Room Office Study Display Shelf Cabinet Lounge Pantry Wooden Modern Minimalist Carpentry Flooring Wetworks 3D Design Plaster Ceiling Wallpaper Painting Kitchen Cabinet Furniture Curtain Lighting Electrical HVAC Ceiling Wall Decor Glasswork Artwork